Science Journal of Business and Management

Special Issue

Decision-Making under Covid-19 Uncertainty: Aviation Business and Management Case Studies

  • Submission Deadline: 28 February 2022
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Kristina Marintseva
About This Special Issue
The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly demonstrated the existence of the threat of destruction of such important sectors of the economy as aviation and tourism. While the history of the aviation business has accumulated considerable experience in dealing with various types of crises, it has become clear that policymakers and aviation managers at all levels desperately need the tools to make decisions quickly and effectively in the face of uncertainty. Models of revenue and costs management, airline and airport operations - the entire stratum of theoretical and empirical advances over the past decades have been significantly eroded almost overnight. Executives were forced to move to "manual control" and make decisions in the face of supply and demand chaos, trying to adapt existing management techniques, introducing new parameters, factors, and performance criteria. Debates have resumed on the balance of competition and government intervention in commercial air transport, the problems of shortages and surpluses of aviation personnel, fleet planning, air travel reimbursement policies, rethinking passenger and cargo handling procedures, and more. Will the aviation economics and finance manuals developed several years ago remain useful and relevant?
This special issue intends to summarize the latest research and new insights in aviation management by attracting quality papers that can create new knowledge about running an efficient and effective aviation business in a new reality.


  1. Data-Driven Decisions
  2. Decision-Making Models
  3. Aviation Revenue Management
  4. Cost Control
  5. Financial Risk
  6. Aircraft Financing
  7. Aviation Management
  8. Competition
  9. Liberalization
  10. And Governance
  11. Crisis
  12. Uncertainty
  13. Pandemic
Lead Guest Editor
  • Kristina Marintseva

    Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom